About the Brand

Ciara is Featherly Clays; a fun-loving mama & dental hygienist. Hobbyist clay maker!

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Beaded Hoops

Beaded Hoops

A collection of beaded hoops 

  • Custom Orders

    Customizations are open!

  • Non-toxic Materials

    All materials used are considered non-toxic, hypoallergenic and nickel free;

    Most of the time even the most sensitive ears can tolerate Featherly Clay’s earrings

    -Fully plastic posts for stud earrings fully plastic hooks available for dangle earrings

    for those that have a severe, true allergy; colored to match style of earring-

    -Clip-ons available for certain styles-

  • Questions?

    DM me on Facebook or Instagram


    or email me at
